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International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR)


The ICLR is a vibrant open network of organisations and individuals with an interest in lawyer and legal services regulation.

The network acts as a forum for regulators to share information and best practice. It is informal and maintained through the support of the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales which hosts the website and funds some independent resource to facilitate the network through the legal sector consultancy Hook Tangaza.

The ICLR maintains a website which hosts a wealth of valuable articles about what member jurisdictions are doing, alongside private forums to promote the exchange of ideas. Membership of the network is free and open to anyone who works for a regulatory body or in the field of lawyer regulation as an academic or consultant.

Members benefit from a monthly newsletter, access to the forums, occasional webinars and an invitation to the annual conference. The ICLR was established in 2012 and has held an annual conference every year since then, including online conferences during the pandemic. Regulators who have hosted conferences include: The Solicitors Regulation Authority, the California State Bar, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Law Society of Ontario, The DC Office of Disciplinary Counsel, The Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Singapore, the Law Society of Scotland, The Netherlands Bar Association, the Illinois Attorney Regulation and Disciplinary Commission, the Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Ireland.

Anyone interested in joining the network or obtaining more information is invited to email contact@iclr.net

The Conference of Regulatory Officers


The Conference of Regulatory Officers - is a self-managed legal regulatory community of practice for Australia and New Zealand. The acronym refers to both the conference and the community.

The below are some members of the CORO community;

Australian Capital TerritoryACT Law SocietySimone Carton, CEOmail@actlawsociety.asn.au
New South WalesThe Law Society of New South WalesKenneth Tickle, CEOlawsociety@lawsociety.com.au
New South WalesOffice of Legal Services Commissioner New South WalesSamantha Gulliver, Commissioneriir.legal@justice.nsw.gov.au
New South WalesLegal Services Council New South WalesHeather Moorelsc@legalservicescouncil.org.au
Northern TerritoryLaw Society Northern TerritoryKelvin Strange, CEOlawsoc@lawsocietynt.asn.au
New ZealandNew Zealand Law SocietyKatie Rusbatch, CEOpresident@lawsociety.org.nz
QueenslandLegal Services Commission QueenslandMegan Mahon, Commissionerlsc@lsc.qld.gov.au
South AustraliaLegal Profession Conduct Commissioner South AustraliaAnthony Keane
Diana Newcombe, CEO
TasmaniaLegal Profession Board TasmaniaFrank Ederle, CEOenquiry@lpbt.com.au
VictoriaVictorian Legal Services Board + CommissionerFiona McLeay, Commissioner & CEOconsumerenquiry@lsbc.vic.gov.au
Western AustraliaLegal Practice Board of Western AustraliaLibby Fulham, Board Executive Directorenquiries@lpbwa.com